Friday, May 23, 2014

Intro to Python

Welcome back!  For me, this is the final leg of my GIS Certification journey.  Programming is not something I have ever wanted to do, but over the years I have seen where knowing programming can be beneficial.  I know a little bit of HTML and some SQL and Access proramming, but at this point, that is the extent of my programming knowledge.  Python is an open source programming language that is supplied with ArcGIS.  The current version available with ArcGIS 10/10.1 is Python 2.7.  The textbook is telling me that it is easy to learn, we shall see.  Already I can see that Python is a very helpful language.  Say for example you begin to type a command that begins with the letter P.  Python will prompt you with a list of commands that begin with the P.

One thing I have learned in my brief programming experience has been the importance of syntax.  One missing or misplaced double quote can ruin your whole day.  Something I hope to gain from this course is a greater understanding of the roll scripting can play in GIS and how it can help me in my day to day use of ArcGIS.

Our first assignment was to open, examine and run a script that creates a module folder for each week of our GIS Programming course.  The results of the script can be seen in the image below.

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