Tuesday, December 10, 2013

GIS 4930 Final Project

This should be my final week of GIS certificate courses, but due to a scheduling error last summer, I will be taking one more class this coming summer. This final week of GIS 4930, Special Topics, was once again focused on the forestry category.  I have to say, this has not been my favorite topic, but I think a lot of that comes from all of the confusion that I have been faced with over the last six weeks.  It certainly didn't make it any easier, but it was not nearly as bad as statistics.

I chose to find the maple sap production potential of a 1,400 hectare study area in New Brunswick Canada. Finding the production potential included using an array of ArcGIS tools including ArcToolbox tools Merge, Multiple Ring Buffer and Overlay, joining feature classes and tables, Select by Attribute, and Field Calculator.  Also used to assist in analysis was the use of Pivot Tables in Microsoft Excel.

Use the links below to see a brief abstract and the results of my analysis.

Abstract (Word format)
Abstract (PDF format)
Deciding Maple Syrup Production Potential (pptx with audio)
Deciding Maple Syrup Production Potential (PDF - no audio)