Friday, July 18, 2014

Working with Rasters

Raster files are images that are used in ArcMap.  They can come from a variety of sources and formats including .img, .tif, and .jpg formats to name a few.  Python can be used to describe components of a raster file, to remap and reclassify landcover, and to calculate slope and aspect.  The most commonly used extension in working with raster files is the Spatial Analyst extension.  Within Python, the module is most used and all functions should be imported.

Our lab this week had us use a number of functions to remap and reclassify landcover as well as calculate a desired slope and aspect of the elevation raster file.  My final result can be seen in Results1.


I actually understood most of this lab.  Not sure why this week was so much more different than the previous weeks.  I still struggle with retaining the code and its proper usage, so I spend a lot of time looking for examples.  I would love to find a way to remember some of this stuff as it would be useful in my everyday work with ArcMap.  Not so much the spatial analyst, but definitely some of the other modules and functions we have seen up to this point.

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